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Memorial de ministros : catálogo alfabético dos ministros de letras
Memorial de ministros : catálogo alfabético dos ministros...
Luís de São Bento...
editor: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
ano: 2017
descrição: O Memorial de ministros, obra iniciada por Luís de São Bento e depois continuada por frei António Soares, monges cistercienses do Mosteiro de Alcobaça, compila as notícias biográficas dos magistrados portugueses do Antigo Regime, quer dos territórios...
Memorial de ministros: mapa genérico (vol. 3)
Memorial de ministros: mapa genérico (vol. 3) ...
Luís de São Bento...
editor: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
ano: 2022
descrição: O Mappa generico oferece um compêndio exaustivo sobre a arquitetura da administração portuguesa e do seu ultramar ao longo das épocas medieval e moderna. Ambicionava ser documentalmente completo. Nesse sentido, o esforço de frei Luís de São Bento é i...
Mergers and Acquisitions : A Step-by-Step Legal and Practical Guide
Mergers and Acquisitions : A Step-by-Step Legal and...
Edwin L. Miller...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: The legal, financial, and business primer to the M&A process Mergers and Acquisitions offers accessible step-by-step guidance through the M&A process to provide the legal and financial background required to navigate these deals successfully. From th...
Mergers and Acquisitions : A Step-by-Step Legal and Practical Guide
Mergers and Acquisitions : A Step-by-Step Legal and...
Edwin L. Miller...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: The legal, financial, and business primer to the M&A process Mergers and Acquisitions offers accessible step-by-step guidance through the M&A process to provide the legal and financial background required to navigate these deals successfully. From th...
Mergers and Acquisitions Basics : The Key Steps of Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Investments
Mergers and Acquisitions Basics : The Key Steps of...
Michael E. S. Frankel...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: The essential executive M&A primer, with practical tools and expert insight Mergers and Acquisitions Basics provides complete guidance on the M&A process, with in-depth analysis, expert insight, and practical tools for success. This new second editio...
Mergers and Acquisitions Basics : The Key Steps of Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Investments
Mergers and Acquisitions Basics : The Key Steps of...
Michael E. S. Frankel...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: The essential executive M&A primer, with practical tools and expert insight Mergers and Acquisitions Basics provides complete guidance on the M&A process, with in-depth analysis, expert insight, and practical tools for success. This new second editio...
Metallic Biomaterials : New Directions and Technologies
Metallic Biomaterials : New Directions and Techno...
Yufeng Zheng; Xiaoxue...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: With its comprehensive coverage of recent progress in metallic biomaterials, this reference focuses on emerging materials and new biofunctions for promising applications. The text is systematically structured, with the information organized according...
Metallic Biomaterials : New Directions and Technologies
Metallic Biomaterials : New Directions and Techno...
Yufeng Zheng; Xiaoxue...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: With its comprehensive coverage of recent progress in metallic biomaterials, this reference focuses on emerging materials and new biofunctions for promising applications. The text is systematically structured, with the information organized according...
Metals in Medicine
Metals in Medicine
James C. Dabro...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: Working from basic chemical principles, Metals in Medicine 2nd Edition describes a wide range of metal-based agents for treating and diagnosing disease. Thoroughly revised and restructured to reflect significant research activity and advances, this n...
Metals in Medicine
Metals in Medicine
James C. Dabro...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: Working from basic chemical principles, Metals in Medicine 2nd Edition describes a wide range of metal-based agents for treating and diagnosing disease. Thoroughly revised and restructured to reflect significant research activity and advances, this n...
Meteorology of Tropical West Africa : The Forecasters' Handbook
Meteorology of Tropical West Africa : The Forecasters...
Douglas J. Parker...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2014
descrição: Meteorology of tropical West Africa: the Forecasters’ Handbook presents the science and practice of weather forecasting for an important region of the tropics. Connecting basic theory with forecasting practice, the book provides a unique training vol...