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Autotelismo e Territórios Científicos Banda IV

Autotelismo e Territórios Científicos Banda IV

Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores
publication year:
ileio (leitura online e APP)
pré-visualização: Abrir

Man is an echo of someone's thought like a puppet pulled by strings that are it means that his actions and thoughts are no longer ours in some of us and the alienation is increasing without knowing what he is doing or without anticipating the procedures that must be carried out in a strict order; becoming a stranger to the real world disconnected from reality trapped in the Mass Media, where Television Queen of All That Exists ties the individual to the the violence of the movies, or learning from the school of organized crime, the the individual is trapped in virtual realities, strange himself, instead of having a life of his own, he is trapped in virtual reality being commanded by the TV set, or by the Newspapers. Descartes said that he was a mirror of his countrymen and I couldn't understand how that was possible. In my view, the Giants of the past would have at least as much knowledge as the compatriots of that time, but I contemplate their genius reason when we are entirely a product of our time – social context, type of relationships, political 'territories or different worldviews. I wonder if the giants should respect themselves and fight for a Pax Terrenarum that would possibly have to be imposed by the various States each giant respecting the geopolitical 'Territory' and never armed against other nations so we could be at the end of civilization earth and human being eradicated once and for all without seeming like millenarianism, futurism or even total understanding of what is happening but curiously it seems to me a world of genocidal autocrats without any contemplation of the human being whatever its dimension. The end of the Anthropocene in Transhumanists who want to be equipped with technological instruments, incorporating them into their organism to far transcend the human constitution considered regular, that is, as semi-human but very advanced cybernetic organisms created by biotechnology and nanotechnology and humanists who want to return to a lost paradise without technology and only after seeing all the atrocities of technology wants to live let's say in natural terms without any artificiality. Eugenic wars impose the destruction and rapid disappearance of billions of human beings, stuffed with a lot of natural and artificial selection would be the hidden end of the various wars in the destruction of everything fragile, limited, bestial the end of war is to eliminate the weakest and reinforce the strongest or start eugenic wars to destroy everything primordial. When human beings will always tame some and stimulate others so that human inequality is the engine of evolution or the so-called immeasurable unevenness between human beings when what is worth the strongest and the defeated does not read history at least as sense common or historians and all figures understand it, or even as Leviathan and Behemoth understand it if sometimes historians could lie to defend the sacred character of the human creature

Índice I-Introdução____________________________________________________pg.3 II- OS ALICERCES DO EDIFÍCIO_______________________________________pg.10 III- Origem da Dúvida___________________________________________pg.11 IV- A FRAGILIDADE HUMANA__________________________________pg.13 V- PORQUÊ QUE EXISTEM DIFERENTES TERRITÓRIOS CIÊNTÍFICOS__________________________________________________pg.27 VI- Qual é a missão de cada soldado humano?_________________________pg.35 VII- DARWINISMO ULTRA-AGRESSIVO – A AMÉRICA O CONTINENTE DE FERRO E A RÚSSIA O PAÍS BÉLICO OS DOIS CÚMPLICES E ESTERILIZAÇÃO DE ESPÉCIMES INFERIORES____________________________________________________pg.92 VIII- O NÍVEL EVOLUTIVO É DETERMINADO ABSOLUTAMENTE PELAS CASTAS DESTE OU DAQUELE ESTADO OU CADA CULTURA OUNAÇÃO DETERMINA O SEU PRÓPRIO NIVEL EVOLUTIVO____________________________________________________pg.98 IX- PERCEÇÃO PRIMÁRIA NÃO SÓ AO NÍVEL DOS DETALHES MAS A FRACA ABSTRAÇÃO DA FORMA COMO UM TODO GLOBA____________________________p.100 X- RAZÕES VÁLIDAS PARA DIZER QUE A FILOSOFIA NÃO SERVE PARA NADA E TAMBÉM QUE SERVE PARA TUDO O QUE SE FAZ É PRECISO UMA CERTA FILOSOFIA OU QUE A FILOSOFIA SERVE PARA TUDO E MESMO O CIENTISTA FAZ UMA METAFILOSOFIA DA CIÊNCIA__________________________________________________________p.108

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