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A Panorama of Statistics : Perspectives, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Statistics

A Panorama of Statistics : Perspectives, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Statistics

Eric Sowey; Peter Petocz
ano de publicação:
nº de páginas:
ileio (leitura online e APP)

A Panorama of Statistics: Perspectives, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Statistics


Eric Sowey, School of Economics, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Peter Petocz, Department of Statistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

This book is a stimulating panoramic tour – quite different from a textbook journey – of the world of statistics in both its theory and practice, for teachers, students and practitioners.

At each stop on the tour, the authors investigate unusual and quirky aspects of statistics, highlighting historical, biographical and philosophical dimensions of this field of knowledge. Each chapter opens with perspectives on its theme, often from several points of view. Five original and thought-provoking questions follow. These aim at widening readers’ knowledge and deepening their insight. Scattered among the questions are entertaining puzzles to solve and tantalising paradoxes to explain. Readers can compare their own statistical discoveries with the authors’ detailed answers to all the questions.


The writing is lively and inviting, the ideas are rewarding, and the material is extensively cross-referenced.


A Panorama of Statistics:

  • Leads readers to discover the fascinations of statistics.
  • Is an enjoyable companion to an undergraduate statistics textbook.
  • Is an enriching source of knowledge for statistics teachers and practitioners.
  • Is unique among statistics books today for its memorable content and engaging style.


Lending itself equally to reading through and to dipping into, A Panorama of Statistics will surprise teachers, students and practitioners by the variety of ways in which statistics can capture and hold their interest.

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Tipo de licença Permissão de impressão
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Leitura online: um utilizador por sessão (sem simultaneidade)
Leitura offline (com a APP): máximo de 2 dispositivos em simultâneo


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