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An Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology : An International Perspective

An Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology : An International Perspective

Nik Chmiel; Franco Fraccaroli; Magnus Sverke
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Wilmar Schaufeli

Nik Chmiel, Franco Fraccaroli and Magnus Sverke


1. What do people really do at work? Job analysis and design
Stephen A. Woods and Daniel P. Hinton

2. How do I get a job, what are they looking for? Personnel selection and assessment
Silvia Moscoso, Jesús Salgado and Neil Anderson

3. How can I shape my job to suit me better? Job crafting for sustainable employees and organizations
Pascale Le Blanc, Evangelia Demerouti, and Arnold Bakker

4. What am I supposed to do in my job? Set goals and appraise your people
Gary Latham

5. Why is my job so stressful? Characteristics, processes and models of stress at work
Jan de Jonge and Christian Dormann

6. Digital technologies at work are great, aren’t they? The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their relevance in the world of work
Christian Korunka and Matti Vartiainen

7. Whose side is technology on, really? On the interdependence of work and technology
Michael Allvin and Fredrik Movitz

8. Why did I choose that career path? Approaches to vocational choices and people’s readiness to self-manage their own career paths
Guido Sarchielli


1. How do we get new entrants ‘on board’? Organizational socialization, psychological contracts, and realistic job previews
Allison Ellis and Talya Bauer

2. How does power affect those who have it and those who don’t? Power inside organizations
Lourdes Munduate and Francisco Medina

3. Does it matter who leads us? The study of organizational leadership
E. Kevin Kelloway and Stephanie Gilbert

4. Why are we in a team? Effects of teamwork and how to enhance team effectiveness
Annika Lantz and Daniela Ulber

5. How do we react when our organization changes? Perspectives on employees’ appraisal of change, consequences, and mitigating factors
Magnus Sverke, Helena Falkenberg, Johnny Hellgren, Chang-qin Lu and Jaco Pienaar

6. How do we feel and behave when we’re not permanent full-time employees? The case of the diverse forms of non-standard work
Claudia Bernhard-Oettel, Nele De Cuyper, Megan Murphy and Catherine Connelly

7. Why should organizations treat their employees fairly? Definition, relevance, and consequences of justice at work
Constanze Eib and Guillaume Soenen

8. What does our organization do to help our well-being? Creating healthy workplaces and workers
Arla Day and Karina Nielsen


1. Does it matter who we are? Personality at work
Adrian Furnham

2. How do I learn what to do? How the science of training supports learning
Amanda Woods, Julie Dinh, and Eduardo Salas

3. How much effort will I put into my work? It depends on your type of motivation
Anja Van den Broeck, Joseph Carpini, Hannes Leroy and James Diefendorff

4. How do we handle computer-based technology? What is the cost/benefit ratio of technology for workers?
Fred Zijlstra and Anne-Sophie Nyssen

5. Why do I put myself and others in danger or help increase safety? Person- and situation-related causes of safety behaviours
Nik Chmiel and Gudela Grote

6. Does it matter whether I am a happy and committed worker? The role of identification, commitment and job satisfaction for employee behavior
Rolf van Dick and Lucas Monzani

7. How does work fit with my life? The relation between flexible work arrangements, work-life balance and recovery from work
Göran Kecklund, Debby Bekkers, Constanze Leineweber, and Philip Tucker

8. What happens when I get older? Older workers, late careers and transitions to retirement
Franco Fraccaroli, Marco Depolo, and Mo Wang


1. How do we work with organizations?
Henry Honkanen and Diana Rus

Case Studies:

2. A strategic approach to improving wellbeing at a large railway company
Ivan Robertson, Matthew Smeed and Victoria Ward

3. Humiliation. Why we deserve respect at work
Barbara Kożusznik

4. Resilience development through an organisation-led well-being initiative
Katharina Näswall, Sanna Malinen and Joana Kuntz

5. Positive Action: Effectively increasing diversity at the top
Nic Hammarling

6. Age management
Christian Stamov Roßnagel

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Tipo de licença Permissão de impressão
Acesso Perpétuo não permitido

Leitura online: um utilizador por sessão (sem simultaneidade)
Leitura offline (com a APP): máximo de 2 dispositivos em simultâneo


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