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Architectural Graphic Standards

Architectural Graphic Standards

Keith E. Hedges
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ileio (leitura online e APP)

The gold-standard design and documentation reference for students

Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition condenses key information from the definitive industry reference to provide students with a powerful learning resource. Covering design and documentation for a variety of projects, this book offers extensive visuals backed by expert discussion to prepare students for work in a modern professional practice. This new 12th edition has been significantly updated to provide the latest information on important architectural developments and movements, with detailed coverage of sustainability, economy, technology, and more alongside current building standards and best practices. The companion website features sample curricula, student exercises, and classroom projects to aid the understanding of developing designers, and links to additional resources include professional associations, manufacturers' websites, and architectural articles to help students stay up-to-date as the field continues to evolve.

Architectural Graphic Standards is the gold-standard reference for practicing architects, engineers, and builders; this Student Edition introduces key elements in a way that's relevant to the budding designer, along with ancillary materials that facilitate internalization.

  • Delve into the design and documentation process for building materials and elements, as used in today's real-world practice
  • Discover the latest advances in sustainability, digital fabrication, building information modeling, and more
  • Learn the building standards and best practices for a wide variety of architectural details
  • Examine thousands of illustrations, richly detailed graphics, PowerPoint slides, and links to additional resources

Simply "knowing" graphic and documentation standards is not enough; future architects and engineers must develop an instinctual understanding and reflexive use of much of this material. Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition provides the depth and breadth of coverage they need, and the expert guidance that will help them succeed.

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Tipo de licença Permissão de impressão
Acesso Perpétuo não permitido

Leitura online: um utilizador por sessão (sem simultaneidade)
Leitura offline (com a APP): máximo de 2 dispositivos em simultâneo


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