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Design, Evaluation, and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey Research

Design, Evaluation, and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey Research

Willem E. Saris; Irmtraud N. Gallhofer
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Design, Evaluation, and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey Research, Second Edition explores updates on the statistical knowledge and development of survey questionnaires, including analyzing the important decisions researchers make throughout the survey design process. The new edition provides coverage of an updated SQP program, which has an expanded question database from the Multi-trait Multi-method (MTMM) experiments. This book aims to give students and survey researchers a state-of-the-art introduction to questionnaire design and how to construct questionnaires with the highest relevance and accuracy. The pitfalls of questionnaire design are outlined throughout the book, which alerts designers of questionnaires to the many prior decisions that will affect the quality of the research outcome. It is important to measure the quality of questions at the outset in order for students and researchers to consider the consequences and methods of achieving reliable and effective questions.

Part I The three-step procedure to design requests for an answer 13

1. Concepts-by-postulation and concepts-by-intuition 15

 2. From social science concepts-by-intuition to assertions 29

3. The formulation of requests for an answer 63

Part II Choices involved in questionnaire design 71

4. Specific survey research features of requests for an answer 83

5. Response alternatives 103

6. The structure of open-ended and closed survey items 121

7. Survey items in batteries 137

8. Mode of data collection and other choices 155

Part III The effects of survey characteristics on data quality 151

 9. Criteria for the quality of survey measures 153

10. Estimation of reliability, validity and method effects 199

11. Split ballot MTMM designs 219

12. MTMM experiments and the quality of survey questions 237

Part IV Applications in social science research 255

13. The SQP 2.0 program for prediction of quality and the improvement of measurement 223

14. The quality of measures for concepts-by-postulation 279

15. Correction for measurement errors 305

16. Coping with measurement error in cross–cultural research 275



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