Preface to the Second Edition xv
Preface to the First Edition xvii
1 Introductory Concepts 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Excitement and Relevance of Nuclear Chemistry 2
1.3 The Atom 3
1.4 Atomic Processes 4
1.5 The Nucleus: Nomenclature 7
1.6 Properties of the Nucleus 8
1.7 Survey of Nuclear Decay Types 9
1.8 Modern Physical Concepts Needed in Nuclear Chemistry 12
Bibliography 21
2 Nuclear Properties 25
2.1 Nuclear Masses 25
2.2 Terminology 28
2.3 Binding Energy Per Nucleon 29
2.4 Separation Energy Systematics 31
2.5 Abundance Systematics 32
2.6 Semiempirical Mass Equation 33
2.7 Nuclear Sizes and Shapes 39
2.8 Quantum Mechanical Properties 43
2.9 Electric and Magnetic Moments 45
Problems 51
Bibliography 55
3 Radioactive Decay Kinetics 57
3.1 Basic Decay Equations 57
3.2 Mixture of Two Independently Decaying Radionuclides 65
3.3 Radioactive Decay Equilibrium 66
3.4 Branching Decay 76
3.5 Radiation Dosage 77
3.6 Natural Radioactivity 79
3.7 Radionuclide Dating 84
Problems 90
Bibliography 92
4 Nuclear Meddicine 93
4.1 Introduction 93
4.2 Radiopharmaceuticals 94
4.3 Imaging 96
4.4 99Tcm 98
4.5 PET 99
4.6 Other imaging techniques 103
4.7 Some Random Observations about the Physics of Imaging 104
4.8 Therapy 108
Problems 110
Bibliography 112
5 Particle Physics and the Nuclear Force 113
5.1 Particle Physics 113
5.2 The Nuclear Force 117
5.3 Characteristics of the Strong Force 119
5.4 Charge Independence of Nuclear Forces 120
Problems 124
Bibliography 124
6 Nuclear Structure 125
6.1 Introduction 125
6.2 Nuclear Potentials 127
6.3 Schematic Shell Model 129
6.4 Independent Particle Model 141
6.5 Collective Model 143
6.6 Nilsson Model 149
6.7 Fermi Gas Model 152
Problems 161
Bibliography 164
7 -Decay 167
7.1 Introduction 167
7.2 Energetics of α Decay 169
7.3 Theory of α Decay 173
7.4 Hindrance Factors 182
7.5 Heavy Particle Radioactivity 183
7.6 Proton Radioactivity 185
Problems 186
Bibliography 188
8 -Decay 191
8.1 Introduction 191
8.2 Neutrino Hypothesis 192
8.3 Derivation of the Spectral Shape 196
8.4 Kurie Plots 199
8.5 β Decay Rate Constant 200
8.6 Electron Capture Decay 206
8.7 Parity Nonconservation 207
8.8 Neutrinos Again 208
8.9 β-Delayed Radioactivities 209
8.10 Double β Decay 211
Problems 213
Bibliography 214
9 -Ray Decay 217
9.1 Introduction 217
9.2 Energetics of γ-Ray Decay 218
9.3 Classification of Decay Types 220
9.4 Electromagnetic Transition Rates 223
9.5 Internal Conversion 229
9.6 Angular Correlations 232
9.7 Mössbauer Effect 238
Problems 244
Bibliography 245
10 Nuclear Reactions 247
10.1 Introduction 247
10.2 Energetics of Nuclear Reactions 248
10.3 Reaction Types and Mechanisms 252
10.4 Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections 253
10.5 Reaction Observables 264
10.6 Rutherford Scattering 264
10.7 Elastic (Diffractive) Scattering 268
10.8 Aside on the Optical Model 270
10.9 Direct Reactions 271
10.10 Compound Nuclear Reactions 273
10.11 Photonuclear Reactions 279
10.12 Heavy-Ion Reactions 281
10.13 High-Energy Nuclear Reactions 291
Problems 298
Bibliography 302
11 Fission 305
11.1 Introduction 305
11.2 Probability of Fission 308
11.3 Dynamical Properties of Fission Fragments 323
11.4 Fission Product Distributions 327
11.5 Excitation Energy of Fission Fragments 334
Problems 337
Bibliography 338
12 Nuclear Astrophysics 339
12.1 Introduction 339
12.2 Elemental and Isotopic Abundances 340
12.3 Primordial Nucleosynthesis 343
12.4 Thermonuclear Reaction Rates 351
12.5 Stellar Nucleosynthesis 353
12.6 Solar Neutrino Problem 366
12.7 Synthesis of Li, Be, and B 373
Problems 375
Bibliography 376
13 Reactors and Accelerators 379
13.1 Introduction 379
13.2 Nuclear Reactors 380
13.3 Neutron Sources 391
13.4 Neutron Generators 392
13.5 Accelerators 393
13.6 Charged-Particle Beam Transport and Analysis 410
13.7 Radioactive Ion Beams 415
13.8 Nuclear Weapons 421
Problems 425
Bibliography 427
14 The Transuranium Elements 429
14.1 Introduction 429
14.2 Limits of Stability 429
14.3 Element Synthesis 434
14.4 History of Transuranium Element Discovery 437
14.5 Superheavy Elements 449
14.6 Chemistry of the Transuranium Elements 452
14.7 Environmental Chemistry of the Transuranium Elements 461
Problems 468
Bibliography 469
15 Nuclear Reactor Chemistry 473
15.1 Introduction 473
15.2 Fission Product Chemistry 475
15.3 Radiochemistry of Uranium 478
15.4 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: The Front End 480
15.5 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: The Back End 488
15.6 Radioactive Waste Disposal 493
15.7 Chemistry of Operating Reactors 504
Problems 506
Bibliography 507
16 Interaction of Radiation with Matter 509
16.1 Introduction 509
16.2 Heavy Charged Particles 512
16.3 Electrons 526
16.4 Electromagnetic Radiation 531
16.5 Neutrons 540
16.6 Radiation Exposure and Dosimetry 544
Problems 548
Bibliography 550
17 Radiation Detectors 553
17.1 Introduction 553
17.2 Detectors Based on Collecting Ionization 556
17.3 Scintillation Detectors 578
17.4 Nuclear Track Detectors 584
17.5 Neutron Detectors 585
17.6 Nuclear Electronics and Data Collection 587
17.7 Nuclear Statistics 589
Problems 599
Bibliography 600
18 Nuclear Analytical Methods 603
18.1 Introduction 603
18.2 Activation Analysis 603
18.3 PIXE 612
18.4 Rutherford Backscattering 615
18.5 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) 619
18.6 Other Mass Spectrometric Techniques 620
Problems 621
Bibliography 623
19 Radiochemical Techniques 625
19.1 Introduction 625
19.2 Unique Aspects of Radiochemistry 626
19.3 Availability of Radioactive Material 630
19.4 Targetry 632
19.5 Measuring Beam Intensity and Fluxes 637
19.6 Recoils, Evaporation Residues, and Heavy Residues 639
19.7 Radiochemical Separation Techniques 644
19.8 Low-Level Measurement Techniques 653
Problems 659
Bibliography 660
20 Nuclear Forensics 663
20.1 Introduction 663
20.2 Chronometry 670
20.3 Nuclear Weapons and Their Debris 672
20.4 Deducing Sources and Routes of Transmission 678
Problems 680
Bibliography 681
Appendix A: Fundamental Constants and Conversion Factors 683
Appendix B: Nuclear Wallet Cards 687
Appendix C: Periodic Table of the Elements 711
Appendix D: Alphabetical List of the Elements 713
Appendix E: Elements of Quantum Mechanics 715
Index 737