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Digital Sociology : The Reinvention of Social Research
Digital Sociology : The Reinvention of Social Res...
Noortje Marres
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: This provocative new introduction to the field of digital sociology offers a critical overview of interdisciplinary debates about new ways of knowing society that are emerging today at the interface of computing, media, social research and social lif...
Digitale Fotografie für Dummies
Digitale Fotografie für Dummies
Julie Adair Ki...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: Ob Sie mit einer billigen Kompaktkamera, einer High-End-Kamera mit zahlreichen Extras, einem Smartphone oder einer Action-Cam fotografieren - mit ein paar einfachen Tricks konnen immer aus durchschnittlichen Fotos gro?artige Bilder werden. Digitale F...
Directiva para uso do UNIMARC no tratamento de documentos electrónicos
Directiva para uso do UNIMARC no tratamento de documentos...
IFLA; Gina Guedes...
editor: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
ano: 2007
Disability in Higher Education : A Social Justice Approach
Disability in Higher Education : A Social Justice...
Nancy J. Evans;...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: Create campuses inclusive and supportive of disabled students, staff, and faculty Disability in Higher Education: A Social Justice Approach examines how disability is conceptualized in higher education and ways in which students, faculty, and staff w...
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment
Lee Bosher; Ksenia...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2016
descrição: Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment provides a multi-facetted introduction to how a wide range of risk reduction options can be mainstreamed into formal and informal construction decision making processes, so that Disaster Risk Reductio...
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment
Lee Bosher; Ksenia...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2016
descrição: Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment provides a multi-facetted introduction to how a wide range of risk reduction options can be mainstreamed into formal and informal construction decision making processes, so that Disaster Risk Reductio...
Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook
Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook
Bill Aulet
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: The essential companion to the book that revolutionized entrepreneurship Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook provides a practical manual for working the 24-step framework presented in Disciplined Entrepreneurship. Unlocking key lessons and breaking...
Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook
Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook
Bill Aulet
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: The essential companion to the book that revolutionized entrepreneurship Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook provides a practical manual for working the 24-step framework presented in Disciplined Entrepreneurship. Unlocking key lessons and breaking...
Discos ópticos: cuidados e manuseamento: guia para bibliotecários e arquivistas
Discos ópticos: cuidados e manuseamento: guia para...
Fred Byers
editor: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
ano: 2009
descrição: Este guia descreve os métodos a empregar nos cuidados e manuseamento de discos ópticos e destina-se a bibliotecários e arquivistas que trabalham em organismos oficiais, universidades ou na indústria. Baseia-se nos conhecimentos resultantes da prática...
Discurso sobre a economia política
Discurso sobre a economia política
Jean-Jacques Rousseau...
editor: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
ano: 2014
descrição: Esta obra reúne a tradução e o fac-símile do Discurso sobre a economia política de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, publicado em 1755 na célebre Enciclopédia ou Dicionário racional das ciências, das artes e dos ofícios, editada por Diderot e d’Alembert. Com e...
Discursos Curriculares Contemporâneos
Discursos Curriculares Contemporâneos
Paraskeva; João...
editor: Edições Pedago
ano: 2007
descrição: Se é óbvio que o conhecimento das circunstâncias do campo curricular, tanto no passado como no presente, constitui o pré-requisito para o saber e para a participação, então porque é que os cursos de teoria e de história curricular não constituem o nú...
Distributed Cooperative Control : Emerging Applications
Distributed Cooperative Control : Emerging Applic...
Yi Guo
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: Examines new cooperative control methodologies tailored to real-world applications in various domains such as in communication systems, physics systems, and multi-robotic systems Provides the fundamental mechanism for solving collective behaviors in...